Driving Requirements
To signup you need to have access to an eligible car, meet age requirements and provide all the necessary information and documents. Requirements vary by city according to local laws and regulations.
Minimum requirements
Required documents
Background Checks
You can drive with Pick & Drop even if you don’t own a car. Here’s what you need to do:
- Be at least 20 years of age
- Have access to a vehicle that meets Pick & Drop vehicle requirements
- Hold a valid full driver’s licence in your state or country
- Have held a full driver’s licence in your country for at least 12 months
- Provide all the necessary documents required in your state or territory
Before hitting the road, you will need to submit the following documents:
- A valid, full driver’s licence for your state or country
- Your ID or birth certificate
- Any other documents required in the state or territory you plan to drive in
- A driver profile photo
- Must be a forward-facing, centered photo including the driver’s full face and top of shoulders, with no sunglasses
- Must be a photo only of the driver with no other subject in the frame, well-lit, and in focus. It cannot be a driver’s license photo or other printed photograph
After the starting the signup process, you’ll be required to pass a background check. Process for driver-partner background checks vary by city.